This blog is for all moms of young children who want to keep things fresh in your home . . . new ways to spend time with your kids, recipes, books, helpful websites, etc. Being a mom is fun but sometimes it's hard! Whether you are a mother working outside the home or inside the home my hope is this blog makes your role as a mother easier and helps keep you and your children engaged!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers
Ever try explaining the trinity to your children? It's not easy, and I found a book that does just that. It is called "Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers, The Trinity" by Joey Allen. There are 2 others as well, both part of the "Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers" group of books - one is focused on "The Mission" and one is focused on "The Scripture". These are important concepts for your children and these books do a great job of breaking difficult concepts down into a concept that is easy to understand. Here is a pic of one of them:
Need a Dance Break?
Ok - we all need to let loose once in awhile - and your kids do too! Every afternoon, my kids and I have an impromptu dance party. Sometimes they are just a couple of minutes, and sometimes they go on for a bit. We listen to channel 1826 a lot on fios, which is called "Kidz Only", and I'm pretty sure if you turn it on you'll find yourself wanting to dance too. This is such a great to teach your kids to let loose and just have fun. And - it's a great way to spending time together having fun! My kids know that as soon as the music is on, the dance party has begun - it's adorable watching them get their groove on. :)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
"I Spy" Books
In addition to enjoying the I Spy computer games, we also love the "I Spy" books. There are ones for younger children, and ones for older kids. Here is one that I was reading with my 4 year old tonight, and he loves it:
Each page has the word and the picture to find in the picture next to it, like above. It helps teach children to read, while also having fun! :) This is another one we bought from the book fair at school.
Each page has the word and the picture to find in the picture next to it, like above. It helps teach children to read, while also having fun! :) This is another one we bought from the book fair at school.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Pancakes with a little umph
My kids LOVE breakfast for dinner. Last night we had a pancakes and bacon, and I added a little extra somethin for the pancakes. I peeled and chopped 2 apples and 2 pears, put them in a pot with a little brown sugar, water, and cinammon, a little salt and cooked them for 20 minutes. So easy, and it was a delicious topping for the pancakes! Plus we got a little fruit serving in there . . . :) I'll add the recipe to the recipes tab in case you are interested. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I Spy Spooky Mansion
One of the things that my kids and I like to do together (I should be embarrassed to admit this but I promise transparency!) is play hidden object computer games together. I know it's kind of nerdy, but it's something that we both (either me and my 6 year old or me and my 4 year old) like to do and so it's a great way to spend time together. They have several "I Spy" hidden object computer games (all of which we bought from the book order forms that come home from school). One of them is I Spy Spooky Mansion (there really isn't anything spooky about it), and both my 4 and 6 year old love it. It's great for the 4 year old who isn't a proficient reader yet because you can click on the name of the object and it will say it out loud. There are 3 "versions" of the game and as you complete each one you can start a new one. They are the same rooms but different clues you are finding. As you go through the rooms in the house looking for objects and complete a room, you collect a clue for the end of the game. When you have all of the clues collected then you start the final stage of each version. These games are great for bad weather days or for a little quiet time in the middle of the day if they aren't napping or if you need a break. :)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Paper Monsters
So I am kind of a sucker for books/magazines that have activities in them you can do with your children. My latest purchase is called "365 Things to do with Paper and Cardboard" and I got it from my 6 year olds book order form. Today we made paper monsters and they were fun because the kids can totally do it and they can design their very own monster. Here is a pic of the ones we made today:
I'll add the instructions for how to make these to the "Kids in Art" tab! Have fun!
And here is a pic of the instructions - you can't see it all that well, but I need instructions illustrated because I am not very artistic so it may be helpful:
And here are some other monster ideas to get your creative juices going:
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Chocolate Walk in Carrollton
Last night I took my 4 year old to the Chocolate Walk in Carrollton. He is an extreme lover of chocolate and I couldn't think of a better date with him! I saw the signs when we were at Babes a few weekends ago and immediately added it to the calendar. At this event all of the stores in downtown Carrollton have chocolate samples of some sort. So we literally went into 10 - 15 stores and got free chocolate. Guerin LOVED it. I asked him if he was full yet after about 7 stores and he said, "Nope! I will never be full of chocolate!". Carrollton does this event twice a year and if you have a child that loves chocolate you should take them. So much fun and it's free! :)
Friday, September 16, 2011
Orchard Valley Park (Lewisville)
We went to this park today. The playground was similar to the one from yesterday (nice) but a little smaller and I have posted some pics. The picnic area was totally shaded and there was a shady walking area as well. Even though it is similar it's always fun to have a change of scenery!
shady walking area
Shaded picnic tables and swings
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Cortadera Park in Flower Mound
Today we visited Cortadera Park right off of Cross Timbers and Morris. This is a fantastic playground with a larger playground for the bigger kids and a smaller one for the little kids. I haven't really been paying attention to whether the playgrounds we've been to have a portapotty, but today all 3 of my kids had to go so I noted they do not have one. There also really isn't any shade. BUT, it seems like a newer playground and is very nice. There is a huge field next to it for kids to run around as well. Here is a pic!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Easiest Cake Balls Ever
This morning a fantastic speaker spoke at MOPS and gave us a ton of easy recipes - most with just 3 ingredients. One of my favorites was the cake ball recipe which I am definitely going to try. All you need is a box of cake mix, a can of cake icing, and chocolate chips (can use white chocolate chips). I put the rest of the recipe under Easy Recipes, and as I try some of the recipes she gave us I will put them on here! I just had to get this one on here before trying it since it so easy and she said they are delicious.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Leonard L Woods Park & Central Park
Tonight we visited Leonard L Woods park in Lewisville and this is a great park. It is very open with 2 playgrounds - 1 for big kids and 1 for little kids. There is also a disc golf course so parents can play while the kids play on the playground. There wasn't a ton of shade, but it was still a great playground. Lots of open field for them to run around on. Here's a pic!
We also met picked up some chick fil a afterwards and headed over to Central Park in Lewisville to dine and play. Central Park is a fantastic playground with tons of trees so it is completely shaded. There is also a big kid playground as well as a smaller kid playground. There were tons of other families there. The only complaint I had was that the trash cans were loaded with bees and they were bothering us while we were eating. Not a fan of bees!! There were tons of other tables so we could have moved, but the bees weren't bothering us enough to make us move I guess!
We also met picked up some chick fil a afterwards and headed over to Central Park in Lewisville to dine and play. Central Park is a fantastic playground with tons of trees so it is completely shaded. There is also a big kid playground as well as a smaller kid playground. There were tons of other families there. The only complaint I had was that the trash cans were loaded with bees and they were bothering us while we were eating. Not a fan of bees!! There were tons of other tables so we could have moved, but the bees weren't bothering us enough to make us move I guess!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Juice Box Mummies
For some reason my children are obsessed with Halloween. Every time we go to the library they want to check out Halloween books. All year they ask how many days left until Halloween. In February they started talking about their costumes. So, I've decided to just go with it. Let's start halloween activities in September! Why not?!? :) Today we made juice box mummies, named that because you use empty juice boxes to make them. Super easy and they had fun with it! You use construction paper on the outside of the box so you could even decorate the outside of the mummy if you want (which may take away some of the mummy effect but who cares). I put the instructions for making them under the "Kids in Art" tab. Have fun!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Fun On-Line Learning Crossword
This is fun on-line crossword puzzle and trivia that can make learning fun with your kids! Enjoy!
Crossword: http://www.nwf.org/Kids/Ranger-Rick/Games/Crosswords/Animal-Trivia.aspx
Trivia: http://www.nwf.org/Kids/Ranger-Rick/Trivia-Quizzes.aspx
Crossword: http://www.nwf.org/Kids/Ranger-Rick/Games/Crosswords/Animal-Trivia.aspx
Trivia: http://www.nwf.org/Kids/Ranger-Rick/Trivia-Quizzes.aspx
Tortilla Chip Pumpkins
This morning while my 6 year old was school my 4 year old made pumpkin shaped chips out of tortillas - he had a lot of fun with it! If you are getting in the pumpkin spirit, here's what you need:
Soft corn tortillas, 1/4 C vegetable or olive oil, salt, pastry brush or paint brush, pumpkin shaped cookie cutters (with the face - I got a set at Hobby Lobby for 1.99), small bowl, cookie sheet, and 1 red and 1 yellow food coloring.
Use the cookie cutters to cut out the pumpkin shapes from the tortillas. Pour oil into small bowl and add 2 drops each of the red and yellow food coloring. Wait a few minutes and then stir to blend the food coloring. Dip the brush in the oil and paint both sides of each cut out until well coated. Place chips on ungreased cookie sheet and sprinkle with salt. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
They were DELICIOUS hot out of the oven!
Soft corn tortillas, 1/4 C vegetable or olive oil, salt, pastry brush or paint brush, pumpkin shaped cookie cutters (with the face - I got a set at Hobby Lobby for 1.99), small bowl, cookie sheet, and 1 red and 1 yellow food coloring.
Use the cookie cutters to cut out the pumpkin shapes from the tortillas. Pour oil into small bowl and add 2 drops each of the red and yellow food coloring. Wait a few minutes and then stir to blend the food coloring. Dip the brush in the oil and paint both sides of each cut out until well coated. Place chips on ungreased cookie sheet and sprinkle with salt. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
They were DELICIOUS hot out of the oven!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Know Science Magazine
My 6 year old is really into science, and for Christmas last year we bought him a subscription to Know Science magazine, which is a Mad Science publication. He gets SO excited when his magazine comes in the mail and reads every page. I definitely recommend it if you have a child who is curious and/or into science! You can find it here: http://www.yesmag.ca/landing/msg1.html
Vanilla Rich Chocolate Chip Cookies
Yesterday after picking up my 6 year old from school, we all wandered over to our neighborhood park to enjoy this gorgeous weather and get some play time in. We were there for awhile, and then made our way home to eat dinner (crockpot chili night!) and get ready for soccer practice. I got my Everyday With Rachael Ray magazine a couple of days ago, and yesterday as I was going through it, I found a chocolate chip recipe that was calling out my name. My 4 year old was the one who had soccer practice last night (he is an avid chocolate lover), and I couldn't wait to see his face when he came running in the house and smelled fresh chocolate chip cookies. So I went to work, and the cookies were DELICIOUS. I actually got it from an ad for McCormick Vanilla. I am posting the recipe under the Recipes tab in case you are interested! Swimsuit season is practically over so you don't need to worry about a few extra pounds!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Items for Free
Ok friends - for those of you who are always looking for a deal, I am creating a section on this blog of items I am giving away. The list will grow, but for now we have a crib mattress that we are happy to part with. If you'd like it, just email me at samanthaksmith2011@gmail.com. Also, if you'd like to give something away to another mother and save someone else some money, please email me and I will list the item on the blog. If someone contacts me with interest, I'll connect you!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Have a child who is a chocolate lover?
Tonight after dinner at Babes Chicken Dinner house in Carrollton, we were walking down a little strip of shops and saw an advertisement for their chocolate festival on September 16 from 5 - 9. This caught my eye because if you really want to tell my 4 year old that you love him, all you need to do is offer him chocolate. Each of the little stores on this downtown strip right by Babes is offering a free chocolate treat on this date. I am really not sure what else is involved, but I know enough to know that I am taking my 4 year old on a date that evening to Carrollton! Want to join? :)
A Non-Review on Sealife Aquarium
So yesterday after spending the afternoon with the kids running through the sprinklers in the backyard and coloring in giant coloring books in the backyard, we decided to venture out to the Sealife Aquarium at Grapevine Mills Mall. It was around 3pm - and I know some of you moms reading this are like - OF COURSE THE LINE WAS AN HOUR AND A HALF! It was a Sunday afternoon on Labor Day weekend! I guess I had high hopes that people would be doing other things. So, we decided to walk around the mall instead and let the kids ride the carousel and some of the other little rides there. Of course we had to finish our adventure off with my favorite gelato ice cream - Paciugo. For those non-dairy eaters out there, their soy ice cream is DELICIOUS! I hope to get back to Sealife Aquarium one of these days, but it will have to be during the week. I went ahead and wrote this entry anyway to advise you in case you weren't already aware, that I do not recommend going to the Aquarium on Sunday afternoon. When we were leaving around 5 the line was only 10 minutes. They closed at 7, so maybe we will try that time next time!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Fly Lady
Got this email from a friend this morning and had to share! It's about the website flylady.net . . .
My biggest challenge as a wife, mom, etc. is keeping the house clean. I simply cannot dedicate a day to getting it done but rather I need to do it along the way. A little here, a little there. Once I found a website that would tell me each day what to clean…so you don’t just skip the stuff you hate to do. The idea is that you really focus on cleaning and “just get it done” in 20 minutes a day and then one day a week was an hour or so. For example, it would say things like “Use a long-handled duster and run around your house as fast as you can cleaning the baseboards” or “Attack your bathrooms for 20 minutes. Go for the grungiest places first. Move fast. It is a race. When the timer goes off, stop and get back to life.” The blog lady always would say things like “I know you don’t want to do the cleaning but whining never made anything shine. So just get over yourself and go get it done. Do it fast so it hurts less.”
A great tip for pretty much all of us! http://www.flylady.net/
My biggest challenge as a wife, mom, etc. is keeping the house clean. I simply cannot dedicate a day to getting it done but rather I need to do it along the way. A little here, a little there. Once I found a website that would tell me each day what to clean…so you don’t just skip the stuff you hate to do. The idea is that you really focus on cleaning and “just get it done” in 20 minutes a day and then one day a week was an hour or so. For example, it would say things like “Use a long-handled duster and run around your house as fast as you can cleaning the baseboards” or “Attack your bathrooms for 20 minutes. Go for the grungiest places first. Move fast. It is a race. When the timer goes off, stop and get back to life.” The blog lady always would say things like “I know you don’t want to do the cleaning but whining never made anything shine. So just get over yourself and go get it done. Do it fast so it hurts less.”
A great tip for pretty much all of us! http://www.flylady.net/
Which Way USA
Thanks to Jill Surdek we are now subscribing to the Highlights magazine for kids called "Which Way USA". This is a puzzle magazine for kids that is focused on teaching them about each of the states. Each magazine comes with a map of the state that the magazine is focused on and the map has all kinds of fun facts on it. I subscribed to the regular Highlights magazine for awhile, but the boys were never really all that interested in it. Noah LOVES this one. He has been working on it every night. It does require a little help from us, but it's been fun for us as well! I love anything that helps get them focused on learning. I included a link in case you are interested . . . http://shop.highlights.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=16151&productId=690724&catalogId=17603
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I have a particular passion for women who have just entered the world of mothering, especially when it comes to getting your baby on a schedule and sleeping. Please send me a message if you have any questions! I would love to help!