
This blog is for all moms of young children who want to keep things fresh in your home . . . new ways to spend time with your kids, recipes, books, helpful websites, etc. Being a mom is fun but sometimes it's hard! Whether you are a mother working outside the home or inside the home my hope is this blog makes your role as a mother easier and helps keep you and your children engaged!

Keep the Kids In

Fun Games
Bop It
Connect Four
Sequence for Kids
I Spy Eagle Eye
The Kids of Catan
Monopoly Junior
I Spy Memory Game
War card game

Computer Games
I Spy Spooky Mansion
Mortimer Beckett and the Time Paradox

Simple & Fun Activities
Stargaze at night
Make jello molds
Paint a blank canvas in backyard
Make your own pizza night
Create an indoor scavenger hunt
War tournament with a prize
Game day (they get to pick out a new game)

Are you new to the mothering world?

I have a particular passion for women who have just entered the world of mothering, especially when it comes to getting your baby on a schedule and sleeping. Please send me a message if you have any questions! I would love to help!