
This blog is for all moms of young children who want to keep things fresh in your home . . . new ways to spend time with your kids, recipes, books, helpful websites, etc. Being a mom is fun but sometimes it's hard! Whether you are a mother working outside the home or inside the home my hope is this blog makes your role as a mother easier and helps keep you and your children engaged!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanksgiving Printables & Activity Calendars

OK - I finally figured out how create a calendar that is editable and has links to activities that we are doing. I've been trying to figure this out since creating the blog. One of my first posts talked about the summer activity calendar we had and how I planned things out for the whole summer so that we weren't waking up with the kids saying "I'm bored" . . . and they had things to look forward to throughout the summer. I've now decided to do one of these for each month, and we'll see how it goes. It may have a few out of the house activities, worksheets, holiday stuff, etc. You will find the first one - November 2001 - under the "Activity Calendars" section. You will find links that you can click on and you will be able to download the activity if you like.

I also created a "Printables" section where you will find fun little worksheet activities or crafts to do with your kids. The ones that are there right now are all related to Thanksgiving, and some of them are on the calendar as well. Have fun!!!

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