
This blog is for all moms of young children who want to keep things fresh in your home . . . new ways to spend time with your kids, recipes, books, helpful websites, etc. Being a mom is fun but sometimes it's hard! Whether you are a mother working outside the home or inside the home my hope is this blog makes your role as a mother easier and helps keep you and your children engaged!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Paper Monsters

So I am kind of a sucker for books/magazines that have activities in them you can do with your children.  My latest purchase is called "365 Things to do with Paper and Cardboard" and I got it from my 6 year olds book order form.  Today we made paper monsters and they were fun because the kids can totally do it and they can design their very own monster.  Here is a pic of the ones we made today:

And here is a pic of the instructions - you can't see it all that well, but I need instructions illustrated because I am not very artistic so it may be helpful:

And here are some other monster ideas to get your creative juices going:

I'll add the instructions for how to make these to the "Kids in Art" tab!  Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Those are really cute! Hi! New follower from the FNF blog hop! Hope you follow back! Thanks! :)
    Through the Eyes of a Tiger


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